Additional Cover
European Inland Waterways
Cover is provided to inland ship owners, operators and managers for certain third-party liabilities, costs and expenses whilst operating within the European inland waterways.
European Inland Waterways
Cover designed for vessels operating in European inland waterways
This is an extended P&I package, which is tailored to the inland shipowner’s needs.
In addition, there is an optional Obstruction of Waterways cover that may be taken out by the insured. This extends cover to include certain financial losses incurred by the insured as a direct result of the insured ship being prevented from proceeding to the agreed port of discharge following an obstruction of a navigable waterway.
Up to USD 500 Million
We can provide a limit of liability up to USD 500 million for P&I cover.
The deductible and policy terms are structured to suit the owner’s individual needs.
Key Features Include
- Liabilities to crew, third persons, and passengers on board
- Cargo liabilities
- RDC and FFO liabilities (excess of the hull and machinery policy)
- European navigation
- Excess P&I War risks
Waterway Obstructions Include
- an accident to a bridge, lock, dike or similar structure; and/or
- the sinking of another ship and/or cargo or part thereof; and/or
- a collision between other ships; and/or
- pollution by any substance from any source.
Claims Management
Our claims team has significant experience of handling claims and casualties with a particular focus on small ships. Given the wide variety of tonnage on risk, we have dealt with claims involving fires, wreck removal, groundings, personal injury, pollution, collisions with other ships and also shore properties. Depending on the facts of the case a different approach may be required and we aim to be flexible and proactive in trying to resolve matters early on whilst protecting the interests of the insured and Aurora at all times.
Aurora has a global network of P&I correspondents that can assist in dealing with any claim or casualty. We have access to surveyors and maritime experts and professionals, who can be called upon when required depending on the nature of the matter. For example, it may be necessary to instruct a specialist expert to deal with the alleged contamination of a particular cargo on board the insured ship. With our comprehensive network of experts and suppliers we are able to find someone who is the most suitable for the task at hand. In a casualty situation, time is often of the essence. By having the right people with the necessary skills involved early on, we can proactively manage the case thereby minimising the claims exposure for the insured and underwriters.